
You need to be [attribute]-maxxing

You have to be miso soup maxxing, you have to be fermenting soy beans to make your own miso paste, you have to be scrounging the coastline to procure your own seaweed, you have to be miso soup maxxing— Liv (@Liv_Agar) June 29, 2022 Monolog [attribute]-maxxing mungkin adalah salah satu meme favoritku karena setengah bercanda tapi entah ...

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Mountains are not mountains (or how we learn to see)

There is a famous Zen saying: “Before I had studied Zen for thirty years, I saw mountains as mountains, and waters as waters. When I arrived at a more intimate knowledge, I came to the point where I saw that mountains are not mountains, and waters are not waters. But now that I have got its very substance I am at rest. For it’s just that I se...

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The Man In The Arena — Notes and Commentary

From “Citizenship in a Republic”, a speech by by Theodore Roosevelt at the Sorbonne 1910. “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and b...

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Notes on bodily awareness

I Bodily awareness Imagine trying ninja warrior obstacles for the first time. The obstacle seems simple, you think you’ll get it. However, as you began to make your way through the course, you realize that your body is not reacting as fast as you thought. Your jump is not high enough and your grip is not strong enough. You fell into the pool wi...

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Writing is hard

Writing is hard, harder than I thought. I want to blame social media for my poor writing skills but I don’t think it’s fair because maybe I’m not that good in the first place. When I decided to create this blog and start writing longer than a Twitter thread, I’m struggling to build a coherent paragraph. I know what I want to write and I can comm...

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Armillary sphere di museum nasional

I. Museum Nasional Waktu jalan-jalan ke Museum Nasional di Jakarta beberapa waktu lalu, aku ketemu porselen keramik yang unik dari koleksi lainnya. Botol kecil dengan gambar mechanical globe ditengahnya. Aku suka porselen keramik Cina, terutama dari era Dinasti Ming. Ciri khas dari keramik era ini adalah dekorasinya menggunakan kombinasi warna ...

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Zeno Paradox And Procrastination

I. Movement is impossible Suppose you want to move from A to B. To get to your destination, logically, you have to reach the halfway point between A and B. Before getting to the halfway point, you must reach the halfway of the halfway point. But before even getting to that point, you also have to reach half of it, and so forth. This means there ...

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Ringkasan: Ditulis oleh Rudyard Kipling tahun 1895, “If—” adalah puisi didaktik fatherly advice tentang cara-cara menjalani hidup yang baik dan bermartabat. Ditulis dalam bentuk rangkaian situasi dan saran-saran dalam meresponnya. Puisi ini banyak berbicara tentang kesabaran, pengendalian diri, dan integritas. IF— (by Rudyard Kipling) I If you...

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